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Absorption (吸収), also known as Absorb[1], is a transformation ability in the Dragon Ball Series that appears in the Dragon Ball Heroes series of games.


Dragon Ball Heroes[]


Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission[]

Ability Information[]

  • Rarity: Giga (Piccolo)/Giga+ (Gotenks, Gohan, South Supreme Kai, Grand Supreme Kai, Kibito Kai, Babidi)/Tera+ (Towa)
  • Cost: 35,000 Zeni (Piccolo)/110,000 Zeni (Gotenks, Gohan, South Supreme Kai, Grand Supreme Kai, Kibito Kai, Babidi)/1,000,000 Zeni (Towa)




Fuse with partner from R2 onward for 2x PWR LV & to completely recover STA every round. Additionally, at the start of each round, recover 2000 HP for own team.


Fuse with partner from R2 onward for 2x PWR LV & to completely recover STA every round. Additionally, steal 3 Hero Energy from enemy if you win CI when attacking.


Fuse with partner from R2 onward for 2x PWR LV & to completely recover STA every round. Additionally, increase enemy CI speed & attack twice.

South Supreme Kai[]

Fuse with partner from R2 onward for 2x PWR LV & to completely recover STA every round. Additionally, +5000 to own PWR & -1 to enemy Hero Energy if you win CI when attacking.

Grand Supreme Kai[]

Fuse with partner from R2 onward for 2x PWR LV & to completely recover STA every round. Recover 2000 HP for own team & +3 to own team Hero Energy at the end of each round.

Kibito Kai[]

Fuse with partner from R2 onward for 2x PWR LV & to completely recover STA every round. Additionally, permanent 2x own PWR or GRD at the end of each round.


Fuse with partner from R2 onward for 2x PWR LV & to completely recover STA every round. Additionally, at the end of each round, one of the following effects occurs at random: Greatly increase enemy team CI speed (permanent), reduce enemy team STA, or -2 to enemy team Hero Energy.


Fuse with partner from R2 onward for 2x PWR LV & to completely recover STA every round. Additionally, at the end of each round, reduce enemy team STA & -2 to enemy team Hero Energy.

