Artful Blow (巧妙な一撃) is an ability that appears in the Dragon Ball Heroes series of games.
Dragon Ball Heroes[]
- HJ8-39 - Veku
- HGD1-06 - Mr. Satan
- HGD5-14 - General Blue
- HGD8-15 - Chiaotzu
- HGD9-11 - Krillin: Teen
- SH2-12 - Ninja Murasaki
- SH8-13 - Pilaf Machine
- UM1-11 - Tien
- UM3-051 - Guldo
- UM5-012 - Yamcha
- UM6-068 - Cheelai: BR
- UM7-050 - Supreme Kai
- UM10-017 - Pirate Robot
- UM11-058 - Jaco
- UM12-012 - Krillin: Teen
- BM2-051 - Bujin
- BM3-021 - Hoi
- BM5-035 - Ganos
- BM6-034 - Pan: Kid
- BM7-034 - Cyclopian Guard
- BM8-015 - Ninja Murasaki
- BM11-011 - Master Shen
- UGM7-056 - Yamcha
- UGM10-018 - General Blue
- MM1-025 - Chiaotzu
- PUMS5-29 - Lemo: BR
- PCS17-12 - Android 16
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission[]
Ability Information[]
- Rarity: Tera
- Cost: 350,000 Zeni
- SH2-12 - Ninja Murasaki
- SH8-13 - Pilaf Machine
- UM1-11 - Tien
- UM6-068 - Cheelai (BR)
When an attacker and Super Attack is available, attack locked-on enemy & 1.2x DMG to targeted enemy. Additionally, attacking enemies with less than own PWR boosts effect. Once only.
Enemy Usage[]
- Universe Survival Saga: Gathering Mission 6 - Janemba (Clone)
- Xeno Janemba Saga Mission 16 - Dark Demon God Buu (Xeno) (Xeno Janemba Abs.)
- Prison Planet Saga Mission 6 - Goku (Xeno) (Super Saiyan 4)