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Super Dragon Ball Heroes - Screenshot - Dimensional Domain

Dimensional Domain (別次元の領域) is an ability in the Dragon Ball Series that appears in the Dragon Ball Heroes series of games.


Dragon Ball Heroes[]

Dimensional Domain appears as an ability in Dragon Ball Heroes, where it is used by bosses with the third variant of Adrenaline Rush. The ability activates before their Attack Phase if the user is an attacker that round, and reduces the Stamina of the enemy attackers to 1.

The ability appears less frequently after Big Bang Mission, largely replaced by the similar Superdimensional Domain ability, which only reduces Stamina by half but additionally increases the speed of Charge Impacts.

Enemy Usage[]

(Note that this is not an exhaustive list.)

Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission[]

Enemy Usage[]

Arcade Mode[]

Extra Missions[]

Official Missions[]


Reduce STA of all enemy attackers to 1.


Reduce STA of all enemy attackers

