- Dragon Ball: Mystery of Shenron
- Dragon Ball: Great Demon King Revival
- Dragon Ball 3: Goku's Story
- Dragon Ball Z: Assault! Saiyan
- Dragon Ball Z II: Fierce God Frieza!!
- Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiyan Legend
- Dragon Ball Z III: Fierce Warrior Androids
- Dragon Ball Z: Super Butōden
- Dragon Ball Z Side Story: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans
- Dragon Ball Z: Super Butōden 2
- Dragon Ball Z: Super Butōden 3
- Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22
- Dragon Ball Z: Shin Butōden
- Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension
- Dragon Ball Z: The Legend
- Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout
- Dragon Ball Z: Legendary Super Warriors
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2
- Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
- Dragon Ball Z: Sagas
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi
- Super Dragon Ball Z
- Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
- Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai 2
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
- Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit
- Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World
- Dragon Ball: Raging Blast
- Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team
- Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2
- Dragon Ball Heroes
- Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi
- Dragon Ball Z: For Kinect
- Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission
- Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z
- Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission 2
- Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle
- Dragon Ball: Xenoverse
- Dragon Ball Fusions
- Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2
- Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X
- Dragon Ball FighterZ
- Dragon Ball Legends
- Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission
- Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
- Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World
- Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO
- Dragon Ball Super Divers
- Dragon Ball Project: Multi
- Dragon Ball Z 5
- Goku Jrs RPG Adventure
- Dragon Ball: Devolution
- Dragon Ball Z: Power Effect
- Dragon Ball Demon Breaker
Note: For a complete alphabetical list, see the subpage.
Z Fighters[]
- Goku/Kid Goku/GT Goku/Xeno Goku
- Krillin
- Master Roshi
- Yamcha
- Tien
- Chiaotzu
- Yajirobe
- Piccolo
- Gohan/Kid Gohan/Teen Gohan/GT Gohan/Xeno Gohan
- Vegeta/GT Vegeta/Xeno Vegeta
- Future Trunks/Xeno Trunks
- Future Gohan
- Goten/GT Goten/Xeno Goten
- Kid Trunks/GT Trunks
- Gotenks/Xeno Gotenks
- Gogeta/Xeno Gogeta
- Vegito/Xeno Vegito
- Pan/Xeno Pan
- Uub/Majuub
- Jaco
Other Protagonists[]
Original Dragon Ball Villains[]
- Bardock/Xeno Bardock
- Fasha
- Tora
- Borgos
- Shugesh
- Gine
- King Vegeta/Xeno King Vegeta
- Raditz
- Nappa
- Saibaman
Frieza Force[]
- Frieza
- Zarbon
- Dodoria
- Captain Ginyu
- Jeice
- Burter
- Recoome
- Guldo
- Appule
- King Cold
- Sorbet
- Tagoma
- Shisami
Red Ribbon Androids[]
- Dr. Gero - A former scientist for the Red Ribbon Army who seeks revenge on Goku for its destruction by building a series of mechanical assassins. After his attempt at killing Goku fails, he is killed by his own rebellious creations.
- Android 19 - A robot created by Dr. Gero to aid in his vendetta against Goku. He is killed by Vegeta after the Saiyan prince becomes a Super Saiyan.
- Android 17 - The brother of Android 18. He was turned into one of the Red Ribbon Androids by Dr. Gero to help him get revenge on Goku. In Trunks's future timeline, he and 18 travel the world going on a destructive rampage. In the main timeline, 17 decides to abandon Gero's orders, settling down as a park ranger.
- Android 18 - The sister of Android 17. She was turned into one of the Red Ribbon Androids by Dr. Gero to help him get revenge on Goku. In Trunks's future timeline, she and 17 travel the world going on a destructive rampage. In the main timeline, 18 decides to abandon Gero's orders, marrying Krillin and settling down.
- Android 16 - A robot created by Dr. Gero to aid in his vendetta against Goku. Though willing to follow his creator's directive to kill Goku, he possesses a gentle nature, and tries to protect his fellow androids from Cell. He is killed by Cell at the Cell Games, his final speech triggering Gohan's transformation into a Super Saiyan 2.
- Cell - A Bio-Android created by Dr. Gero from the cells of the Z-Fighters, Frieza, and King Cold. He seeks to absorb his fellow androids in order to attain his Perfect form.
- Cell Jr. - Weaker offspring of Cell who share his genes.
Babidi's Forces[]
OVA/Movie Characters[]
- Chilled
- Garlic Jr.
- Dr. Wheelo - A mad scientist who transferred his brain into a gigantic robotic body after an avalanche buried his mobile laboratory under a glacier. Aided by his fellow cyborg scientist Dr. Kochin and Kochin's bio-engineered creations, Wheelo seeks to transfer his mind into the world's strongest warrior.
- Turles - A low-class Saiyan who became a notorious space pirate. He plants the divine Tree of Might on Earth, planning to consume its power-enhancing fruit to gain enough power to become undefeatable.
- Lord Slug - A Super Namekian who was kicked off of Planet Namek for having a heart of pure evil. He leads a clan of demonic aliens, taking over planets and terraforming them into spaceships with cold temperatures suitable for the members of his clan.
- Cooler - The brother of Frieza, who travels to Earth to avenge his brother's death at the hands of Goku. Uniquely among his race, Cooler possesses an additional heavily-armoured form.
- Salza - The leader of the Armored Squadron, Cooler's elite henchmen. Salza can form an energy blade around his hand.
- Metal Coolers - Robotic copies of Cooler created by the Big Gete Star after it merges with the remains of Cooler. As well as possessing Cooler's abilities, Metal Coolers can automatically repair their bodies in response to attacks, and are mass-produced in vast quantities. In some appearances, Cooler himself is roboticized into a Metal Cooler, or gains the form as a transformation.
- Android 13
- Broly
- Paragus
- Hatchiyack
- Dr. Lychee
- Bojack
- Zangya
- Pikkon
- Janemba
- Hirudegarn - A giant monstrous demon who rampaged on Planet Konats in the distant past, but was sealed inside the Konatsians Tapion and Minotia. The alien wizard Hoi freed Hirudegarn to attack Earth, but he was destroyed by Goku using the Dragon Fist. Hirudegarn breathes fire and can dodge attacks by turning into purple mist.
- Tapion
- Broly (DBS)
- Gamma 1
- Gamma 2
- Cell Max
GT Villains[]
- Dr. Myuu
- General Rilldo/Hyper Meta-Rilldo/Meta-Rilldo
- Baby/Baby Vegeta
- Super 17
- Syn Shenron - The One-Star Shadow Dragon, considered to be their leader. Rather than possessing an elemental power like the Shadow Dragons, he can absorb the other Dragon Balls into his body to gain their combined abilities.
- Omega Shenron - The form of Syn Shenron after absorbing the other Dragon Balls, granting him their combined strength and elemental powers. He possesses enough concentrated Minus Energy to destroy the universe.
- Eis Shenron - The Three-Star Shadow Dragon, who controls the element of ice. He is the pragmatic twin brother of Nuova Shenron.
- Nuova Shenron - The Four-Star Shadow Dragon, who controls the element of fire. He is the honourable twin brother of Eis Shenron.
Universe 6[]
- Zamasu - A former Supreme Kai in training for Universe 9 who went rogue after deciding that mortals were inherently sinful and had to be exterminated. The Zamasu from the main timeline was erased by Beerus, while the Zamasu from Future Trunks's timeline teamed up with his counterpart Goku Black and wished for complete immortality.
- Goku Black - The version of Zamasu from the main timeline who switched bodies with Goku, and survived the erasure of his past self thanks to his Time Ring. He teamed up with his counterpart from Future Trunks's timeline and began exterminating mortals.
- Fused Zamasu - The Potara fusion of Zamasu and Goku Black. The fusion greatly increases his megalomania, and he gains an array of flashy abilities. Zamasu's immortality is weakened by Goku Black's mortal body, causing half of their fused body to mutate as they power-up.
Dragon Ball Daima[]
- Mini Goku - Goku after Gomah's wish turns him back into a five-year-old.
- Mini Supreme Kai - The Supreme Kai after Gomah's wish turns him back into a five-year-old.
- Mini Vegeta - Vegeta after Gomah's wish turns him back into a five-year-old.
- Glorio - A mysterious gunslinging Majin who joins Goku and the Supreme Kai on their quest to collect the Dragon Balls in the Demon Realm.
- Panzy - A Majin from the Third Demon World who joins Goku's group on their quest to collect the Dragon Balls in the Demon Realm.
- Gomah - A Majin who ascends to the position of Supreme Demon King following the death of Dabura.
- Degesu - The younger brother of the Supreme Kai and Dr. Arinsu who serves Gomah in the Demon Realm.
- Dr. Arinsu - The elder sister of the Supreme Kai and Degesu who works as a scientist in the Demon Realm. She schemes to take over the Demon Realm by seizing the Demon Realm's Dragon Balls and replicating Majin Buu.
- Tamagami Number One - A large sword-wielding robot who guards the Dragon Ball of the First Demon World.
- Tamagami Number Two - A large trident-wielding robot who guards the Dragon Ball of the Second Demon World.
- Tamagami Number Three - A large hammer-wielding robot who guards the Dragon Ball of the Third Demon World. He is fought by Goku, and concedes after the Saiyan proves his strength.
- Majin Kuu - A Majin created by Dr. Arinsu in a failed attempt to replicate Majin Buu.
- Majin Duu - A Majin created by Dr. Arinsu in a failed attempt to replicate Majin Buu.
Game-Exclusive Characters[]
- Majin Ozotto
- Mira - A demonic Bio-Android constructed by Towa to rule the Demon Realm following the death of Dabura. Mira possesses the cells of many fighters from across the multiverse, and is driven to seek further power.
- Towa - A scientist from the Demon Realm and the younger sister of Dabura, who seeks to unseal the Demon Realm with the help of her creation Mira. Towa is highly skilled in both magic and science, combining both to corrupt fighters across the multiverse in order to gather energy.
- Supreme Kai of Time
- Demigra
- Fu
- Android 21
- Shallot
- Zahha
- Giblet
- Mechikabura - The original King of the Demon Realm, sealed away in the distant past after attempting to seize the position of the Supreme Kai of Time. After he is released by Towa, he regains his position as Dark King, forms the Dark Empire, and seeks the Dark Dragon Balls to restore his youth, before enacting a plan to absorb all of reality and leave nothing behind but pure darkness.
- Cumber - The legendary Evil Saiyan, who possesses the corruptive Evil Aura energy derived from the evil in his heart. He is imprisoned on the Prison Planet by Fu, and joins the Core Area Warriors after they save him from the planet's destruction.
- Robelu
- Hearts - The leader of the Core Area Warriors, who seeks the freedom of mortals by killing all gods. After his death at the hands of Gogeta, he is temporarily revived by the Demon God Demigra to help Goku escape the Pseudo Universe.
- Lagss - The last survivor of the Glass Tribe, who possesses control over glass. She is a member of the Core Area Warriors, and the only one to share Hearts's beliefs. She is absorbed by Majin Ozotto, but eventually escapes along with Hearts.
- Crimson-Masked Saiyan - A version of Goku Black in Dragon Ball Heroes who was shown his future by Fu, and given a power-boosting mask by Towa. He traveled through spacetime killing other versions of Goku to increase his mastery of his stolen body. He collects energy from battles in the Pseudo Universe, planning to use it to carry out the Zero Mortal Plan.
- Aeos - Chronoa's predecessor as Supreme Kai of Time, who decides to retake the position and reduce the multiverse to a single curated spacetime.
- Warrior in Black - A version of Bardock recruited by Aeos. He helps Goku stop the Crimson-Masked Saiyan in the Pseudo Universe, and then serves as an enforcer in the Super Spacetime Tournament.
- Female Warrior in Black - The last survivor of her timeline's Glass Tribe, recruited by Aeos as an enforcer in the Super Spacetime Tournament. She falls deeply in love with Yamcha, promising to marry him.
- Dark Dragon Ball Boost
- Demon Enhanced Form
- Demon God
- Demonic Will
- Golden Great Ape
- Golden Mode
- Great Ape
- Kaioken
- King of Destruction
- Legendary Super Saiyan
- Potential Unleashed
- Power Pole Pro
- Pure Progress
- Super Full Power Saiyan 4
- Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker
- Super Kaioken
- Super Saiyan - The iconic Saiyan transformation first attained by Goku during his battle with Frieza on Planet Namek. The form turns the user's hair gold and usually causes it to spike up. The user's power is greatly increased, and their bloodthirst is slightly boosted.
- Super Saiyan 2 - A more powerful version of Super Saiyan first attained by Gohan during his battle with Cell. The form usually increases the spikiness of the user's hair, and gives the user a further increase in power compared to Super Saiyan.
- Super Saiyan 3 - A further upgrade to Super Saiyan first attained by Goku during his training in the Other World, and shown-off during his battle with Majin Buu. The form greatly increases the length of the user's hair, and greatly increases their power at the cost of a high drain to their stamina.
- Super Saiyan 3 Full Power - A stronger variant of Super Saiyan 3 uniquely possessed by the Evil Saiyan Cumber, that greatly increases his muscle mass to the point that it shreds his shirt.
- Super Saiyan 4
- Super Saiyan 4 Full Power
- Super Saiyan God - A divine variant of Super Saiyan first attained by Goku at the request of Beerus, through a ritual requiring five other good-hearted Saiyans. The form turns the user's hair red and often slightly reduces their muscle mass, but greatly increases their power and grants them God Ki, a divine variant of Ki that cannot be sensed by most mortals.
- Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan - A divine variant of Super Saiyan first attained by Goku and Vegeta during their training with Whis, and shown off during their battle with Frieza following his resurrection. The form gives the user blue spiky hair, greatly increased power, and God Ki.
- Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Evolved) - A stronger variant of Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan attained by Vegeta during the Tournament of Power, used during his battles against Toppo and Jiren. The form grants the user increased muscle mass and further increases their power.
- Super Saiyan Rage
- Super Saiyan Rosé
- Super Saiyan Rosé 2
- Super Saiyan Rosé 3
- Super Saiyan Rosé Full Power
- Supervillain
- Time Power Unleashed
- Ultra Instinct
- Ultra Instinct -Sign-
- Villainous Mode
- Angel
- Earthling
- Eternal Dragon
- Frieza Race
- Hera Clan
- Konatsian
- Machine Mutant
- Majin
- Makyan
- Namekian
- Neko Majin
- Saiyan
- Shadow Dragon
- Tuffle
- Yardrat
- Clones (Dragon Ball FighterZ)
- Cooler's Armored Squadron
- Core Area Warriors
- Crane School
- Dark Empire
- Demigra Army
- Frieza Force
- Galactic Patrol
- Galaxy Soldiers
- Ghost Warriors
- Ginyu Force
- Gurumes Army
- Hero Society
- Imeckian Army
- Kamikaze Fireballs
- Lord Slug's Clan
- Luud Cult
- MB Army
- New Frieza Army
- Nutz Gang
- Pilaf Gang
- Pride Troopers
- Red Ribbon Androids
- Red Ribbon Army
- Saiba Rangers
- Sigma Force
- Spice Boys
- Taino Force
- Team Bardock
- Time Breakers
- Time Patrol
- Trio of Danger
- Turles Crusher Corps.
- Turtle School
- Z Fighters
- Beerus' Planet
- Big Gete Star
- Crack of Time - A mysterious realm filled with crystals connected to all timelines, often used by the Supreme Kai of Time to imprison threats to the multiverse. It most notably serves as the hideout of its frequent inhabitant Demigra, and in Dragon Ball Heroes is the location where the Demon Realm is temporarily sealed away inside the Time Labyrinth, and the location where Fu grows the Universe Tree as part of his plan to create a new universe.
- Dark Planet
- Demon Realm
- Goku's Inner World
- Hell
- Hyperbolic Time Chamber
- Inside Whis's Staff
- New Namek
- Planet Babari - A mountainous planet in Universe 9, home to the savage warring Babarians.
- Planet Konats - A planet home to the Konatsians, devastated in the distant past by the Phantom Majin Hirudegarn. Its surviving inhabitants sealed the Majin inside Tapion and Minotia and sent them away to separate ends of the universe.
- Planet Luud
- Planet M-2
- Planet Namek - A grassy planet containing a high proportion of ocean, kept in eternal daytime by its twin suns. The planet is home to the Namekian race. The planet is invaded by the Frieza Force during the Frieza Saga and ultimately destroyed during Goku's battle with Frieza, though the planet's inhabitants are saved before its destruction.
- Planet Potaufeu
- Planet Tuffle
- Planet Vampa
- Planet Vegeta
- Planet Yardrat
- Prison Planet - A planet formed from several locations sealed together by Fu, filled with imprisoned villains from various timelines. The planet begins crumbling from the various battles occuring on the planet, and the heroes' final fight with the Evil Saiyan Cumber causes the planet's destruction.
- Supreme Kai's World
- Tournament of Power Arena
- Archipelago
- Babidi's Spaceship
- Cell Games Arena
- Conton City
- Crack of Time
- Demigra Castle
- Devil's Toilet
- Dragon Temple
- Dr. Wheelo's Fortress
- East City
- Garlic Jr. Castle
- Gizard Wasteland
- Glacier
- Gohan's House (Dragonball Evolution)
- Hero Town
- High School
- Kame House
- Kami's Lookout
- Konpei Tower
- Korin Tower
- Kyodai Pyramid
- Lava Lake
- Mechikabura's Tower
- Mei Queen Castle - An island castle serving as the residence of Lord Jaguar, concealing an advanced laboratory where bio-engineered warriors are created to beat Hercule. The castle is heavily damaged after Jaguar's strongest warrior Bio-Broly goes on a rampage, causing the castle and much of the island to be flooded with the highly acidic Culture Fluid.
- Mount Paozu
- Mountain Road
- Mountains
- Muscle Tower
- Open Field
- Penguin Village
- Pepper Town
- Red Ribbon Army Headquarters
- Slum
- Snake Way
- Time Nest
- Time Rift
- Toi San Temple
- Toki Toki City
- Tree of Might
- Underground Lake
- West City
- World Tournament Stage
- Bansho Fan
- Black Star Dragon Ball
- Blood Ruby
- Blutz Wave Generator
- Brave Sword
- Dark Dragon Ball
- Demon Realm Crystal
- Distorted Time Egg
- Dragon Radar
- Earth Dragon Ball
- Energy Absorber
- Fruit of the Tree of Might
- Future Trunks's Sword
- Hero Switch
- Key Sword
- Metamo Ring
- Namekian Dragon Ball
- Potara
- Power Pole
- Saibamen Set
- Scouter
- Scroll of Eternity
- Senzu Bean
- Soul Cleansing Machine
- Super Dragon Ball
- Time Machine
- Universe Seed
- Zen-Oh Orb